Dating Community Guidelines For People To Have Safer Online Experiences

We are always keen on making a safe space for singles, widows and divorcees. We always want to see our members have a wonderful experience. So, to ensure that experience, we take many necessary precautions:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to be able to use this site.
  • Members cannot publish explicit images or videos on
  • Members should upload their clear images which must have their own face for their profile picture.
  • Report any account that is not being respectful to you and your privacy. We strictly take any kind of harassment reports seriously.
  • Any member breaking these rules will be warned and if necessary, banned.

We diligently monitor the video and audio content uploaded by members before being approved and published.

If you are harassed by any account, please report to us. We will investigate it and take necessary actions.

Tips for our users to be safe.

  • Do not share your personal details to other online accounts.
  • On a first date, always choose public places.
  • Inform your friends who and where you are going to meet.
  • Don’t be intoxicated on your date.
  • Do a quick search of the person on social media.